Try eating some of these cancer fighting vegetables and fruits to prevent cancer and live a healthier diet.
Naturalist would agree that the world today is more artificial, processed, automated, computerize the ever before. The same can be said about our food and the overly convenient fast food that we love so much. Science is just beginning to understand that when the human body is not in balance with it’s local environment and ingesting the wrong kinds of food that cancer can occur more easily. Evidence links eating a diet of vegetables and fruit which are loaded with anti-toxins and anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial in preventing cancer. Here is a list of must-have cancer fighting vegetables and fruits you need to have in your house for everyday cooking and everyday living.
Citrus includes lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits are a rich source of potassium, vitamin C, and anti-toxins. Citrus fruits such as these also reduce inflammation and contain citric acids which prevent fermentation of cells in effect hindering cancerous growths. Lemons have citrin that help blood flow and reduce the risk of developing cancerous digestive disorders to the stomach, mouth, and esophagus. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has discovered in their studies that grapefruit juice and other citrus greatly inhibit the cancer-causing substance known as bioflavonoids that form into carcinogens within the body promoting the development of tumors.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
Broccoli and Cauliflower are part of the plant family Brassicaceae. The Brassicaceae also includes kale, sprouts, collard greens, cabbage, and brussels. Much has been said about broccoli’s fighting power against cancer because of containing minerals like sulfur and calcium. Broccoli contains a powerful anti-cancer enzyme called sulfurophane, contains lutein, a carotenoid cancer inhibitor, and calcium which reduces the acidity in the body preventing cancerous growths. Broccoli has been found to reduce or inhibit the growth of colon and lung cancer.
Flax Seed
Flax Seed is a great source of lignans, omega-3 fatty acid, high in fiber, and contains alpha linolenic acid (ALA). Flax Seed has the highest amount of lignans that you find in other plants such as soybean, broccoli, and sesame seed. Lignans is well-known for preventing and lowering the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, bone cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Flax Seed is an anti-inflammatory, full of antitoxins and key phytochemicals that prevent the growth of tumors. Flax Seed is also very good at lowering cholesterol, the symptoms of menopause, constipation, diabetes, and heart disease. Flax Seed is best consumed as flaxseed oil or grind down as in a coffee grinder for better absorption within the body, sprinkled on salads and pasta dishes, and mixed into bread dough is common, mixed in drinks, and mixed in morning hot cereal such as oatmeal is quite good too.
Tomato is a fruit, part of the nightshade family or red family, and is agriculturally known as Solanum lycopersicum. Originally cultivated in South America where the Spanish conquistadors discovered the tomato in Mexico and Peru, and brought the tomato to Europe and other parts of the world due to popularity of taste. Tomatoes contain the phytochemical called lycopene which has substantial evidence that protects and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. More recent research has linked that tomatoes could also decrease the development of the endometrial, lung, and breast cancer cells. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked and for the best quality of beneficial absorption use tomato paste, tomato juice, and tomato sauce to fully enjoy this powerful antitoxin.
Peppers are a fruit and part of the Capsicum family. Peppers are a remarkable plant containing potassium, fiber, folate, vitamin B6, lycopene, and beta carotene. A green bell pepper can have two times the amount of vitamin C as an orange and even the yellow and red peppers contain 3 to 4 times the amount of vitamin C found in oranges. The benefits of eating peppers are they help reduce cholesterol levels in the body reducing the risk of stroke and heart attacks.
Peppers help to lose weight by speeding up the body’s metabolic rate and curves desire for sugary foods. Peppers have natural anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve the pain of diabetic neuropathy, psoriasis, and arthritis. Peppers can reduce stomach ulcers by killing bacteria in the digestive tract and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells by the process of cellular suicide, and preventing the spread of prostate cancer. If you crave more hotter peppers such a spicy chilies and jalapenos these two peppers also contained a great amount of antitoxins and cancer preventing properties.
Berries are small fleshy, edible brightly colored fruit that contain a good source of vitamin C and fiber. Most berries have a high content of vitamin C and are well known as a prevention of certain cancers including breast, lung, bladder, esophagus, and skin. Berries have ellagic acid and are loaded with anti-toxins that effectively obstruct specific carcinogens that promote cancer growth. Blueberries and raspberries have phenolic compounds known as anthocyanosides that hinder growth of many cancers such as leukemia, colon, and lung. Strawberries contain an assortment of phytochemicals, flavonoids, that are potent cancer killing agents and help prevent the spread of cancerous growths.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture newly added guidelines clearly state that all Americans should eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. This is a great recommendation and should be broadcast in all forms of information outlets as much as fast food commercials inundate us daily. The alarming rate of obesity and cancer stricken patients is on the rise. After research and study on this author’s part it has become clear that many on diets seeking weight loss are ineffective on an already malnourished body. To paraphrase a favorite author of mine, Edgar Cayce, “we should focus more on quality, not just quantity, of food” and diets rich in fiber with plenty of fruits and vegetables are ideal prevention of most cancers.
Foods That Fight Cancer: Preventing Cancer through Diet
The Anti-Cancer Cookbook
9 Steps for Reversing or Preventing Cancer
Foods to Fight Cancer: Essential foods to help prevent cancer
Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods for Body, Mind, and Soul
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