Sunday, November 13, 2011

Autumn, Life, Wisdom, And Holidays

 Its that time of season again. Autumn is such a great time of year. Everything turning either yellow-red-orange or snowy white. The major holidays are quickly approaching and a great time to be thankful for all that we have. Keep your faith, keep busy, keep walking, keep talking, keep in contact with dear friends-family, and do the things that move you! Be yourself and embrace this life. I've been doing just that and I’m also in deep writing-mode, I haven’t been able to blog as much as I would like too due the fact that I’m working on two manuscripts that take up a lot of my writing time, trying to complete all my own deadlines, and this will continue for the next several months. A good inspiration is Steve Jobs himself, who kept working constantly and working on so many new things for Apple that we still have yet to see. Never waste your time with doing what you love, or being with the people you love, always be appreciative to the time we have, think different, and try to accomplish as much as you can in this life. Happy Holidays! Everyone! And many more to come! - TS.Garp 


Great & very inspiring thoughts! Take care & Happy Holidays & more more blessing.

Even i like autumn and the way it spreads colours everywhere with the yellow leaves fallen under the tree.


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