Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ancient Atomic Warfare (Part Two)

In ancient Sanskrit the Brahma weapon has been described as the modern equivalent of an atomic bomb. There is mounting evidence around the world showing perhaps an atomic war has already occurred on the face of the earth in ancient times.

In ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, there are descriptions of men and gods using incredible flying machines and weapons, in particular, the Brahma weapon has been described as having the ability to melt people much like radiation does from the result exposure. The Brahma weapon once used was described as being brighter than a 1000 Suns, the land lay waste, and death to survivors. The same horrific descriptions are so stunningly similar to the descriptions of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II has to be indistinguishable.

Ancient cities like Mohenjo Daro and Harappa when excavated archaeologists and  researchers have the discovered skeletal remains of people scattered throughout the city, face down on the ground on ancient streets, with many of them holding hands, and as if killed in mid stride so fast by some kind of deadly force quick enough to decimate everyone. A great number of victims lay on the ground unburied and untouched by animals or decay. What is more startling and particularly unusual is that these skeletal remains are some of the most radioactive ever found and are compared to radioactive exposure to those suffered at Hiroshima.

David William Davenport, an expert in ancient Sanskrit, elaborates in his amazing book Atomic Destruction in 2000 BC, that his research has determined that some kind of atomic war occurred much earlier in prehistory and that he has discovered many other ancient cities and locations around the world that appear to have suffered the same kind of atomic destruction. Many of these ancient archaeological sites all show signs of some kind of an atomic catastrophe and are highly radioactive to this day.

The Brahma weapon was said to be as deadly and dangerous as to be used only once for its disruptive power will last centuries. The weapon was clearly a doomsday weapon and meant as a bluff or ultimatum. Ancient Sanskrit literature describes the weapon causes severe environmental damage as well. Any area where the weapon is used becomes instantly infertile for eons and all life in and around that area ceases to exist. It is said that men and women become sterile. The entire land becomes a desert, barren and lifeless.

This was the most devastating weapon ever created. Any country or nation using it would have supreme power over another and the burden of actually having used such a horrible weapon. Suffice it to say, the ancient Hindu Sanskrit was prominently recognized by Germany and Nazi scientists in the Second World War. The Nazi regime was scouring the Earth looking for ancient artifacts and forgotten knowledge that would help them win the war against the Allies. Many historians and researchers firmly believed that Germany’s top scientists have gotten their atomic bomb ideas from the Mahabharata.

 Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was the Manhattan Project Chief scientists working on the atomic bomb in the 1940s, was a well-known reader of the ancient Sanskrit literature.  After the atomic test bomb was successfully demonstrated as a viable weapon to be use to end World War II, Oppenheimer gave an interview where he quoted the Bhagavad Gita, “Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.” Oppenheimer undoubtedly regrets in the discovery of the atomic bomb and its final destructive purpose directed at another city, and killing thousands instantly. He emphatically realized that it was as if history was repeating itself from the pages of what was once thought of as myth and legend, but now has come full circle into a horrific reality. When we study and interpret the ancient Indian texts in modern terms, with today’s technology, we suddenly get a clearer perspective that this could actually be a description of an atomic attack on a populated city.

The Mahabharata eerily describes the Brahma weapon like “a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, and iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes an entire race…..corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without any apparent cause, the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected…..” The amazing descriptions residing in the Sanskrit literature are totally reminiscent of nuclear bomb devastation and the deadly residual affects from exposure to radiation poisoning.

Is it possible that ancient civilizations thousands of years ago, possessed the same technology we have today that somehow was lost to history? There are mounting evidence and strange anomalies that point out the fact that ancient civilizations had perhaps possession of knowledge and abilities that we in the modern world have yet to discover and are just beginning to rediscover lost technology is becoming clearer the more we learn.

Mainstream scientists are still reluctant to fully acknowledge more recent discoveries of lost cities that  push human history further back in time than was thought possible. Investigators relying on ancient literature like the Bible and the Mahabharata have actually helped them to locate more ancient cities that push the start of human civilization beyond Egypt 5000 years ago to even further back in time to at least 10,000 years ago. The more scientists and archaeologists discover the more questions arise as to why and how. Is it possible these ancient tales and myths actually have some basis in truth? Researchers and investigators say the evidence is all around us and waiting to be unearthed.

Peter Brook's The Mahabharata
Mahabharata (The Condensed Version of the World's Greatest Epic)
Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilization (3 Volume Set)
From Harappa to Hastinapura: A Study of the Earliest South Asian City and Civilization (American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph Series)
Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990

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